Al Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping Therapy
38 Awolowo Road, Oke Ota Ona,
Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Al Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping Therapy

Discover the Healing Art of Cupping Therapy Cupping therapy

24/7 Customer Service

Our team is ready for you anytime of the day. You're just a call away from our services.

Rediscover Ancient Healing

We bridge the gap between time-honored traditions & contemporary wellness trends.

Reverse Massage for Deep Healing

You will experience a unique tactile sensation that goes beyond surface-level relaxation.

Tangible Impact, Real Result

From pain relief to improved immunity, wellness enthusiasts find solace within those circular cups.
About us

We are the best cupping therapy center in Nigeria

Almonan Hijama Cupping Therapy Ltd is a leading cupping therapy center in Nigeria, located in the heart of Ikorodu, Lagos. We offer professional cupping therapy services, including wet and dry cupping, massage, chiropractic therapy, and physiotherapy.

  • Cupping Therapy
  • Massage
  • Chiropractic Therapy
  • Physiotherapy

Call for appointment at any time +2348027143592 or +2348142528196


Dr. Bolaji Alliu Atunrase

Consultant / Chief Therapist

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)