Al Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping Therapy
38 Awolowo Road, Oke Ota Ona,
Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Al Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping TherapyAl Monan Hijama Cupping Therapy

Anti Cancer Remedy Smothie

anti cancer remedy smothie

Cancer is a very common disease in this our generation.

It is manifested by the tumor, breast cancer, cancer of the cervic, and many other forms.

But thanks to God who has given us natural remedy to solve our problems.

It is never too late for someone suffering from this illness to be heal because these plants were created by God himself and everything he created was for a particular purpose.

You will need
3 aloe Vera leaf
3big ginger
1 pineapple


Wash the aloe Vera, wash the ginger and don’t peel, also wash the pineapple and remove the skin, and also wash the soursop and remove the skin.

Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend till the mixture is smooth.

Drink one cup in the morning and in the evening for 3weeks.

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(10am - 05 pm)